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The Soviet ministry for paranormal affairs sent colonel Valerie Sikorsky

The Soviet ministry for paranormal affairs sent colonel Valerie Sikorsky, hero of the red army, last man standing at the battle of iron ridge and a dedicated follower of fashion. A huge bear of a man who was seldom separated from his ever present tin of moustache wax. Valeri had wanted to be in calvary like his father and his father before him. He loved horses and he liked the uniform, but a horse big enough to carry Valerie would be a monster indeed.Almost a wide as he was tall, with hands large enough to encircle a normal mans head, he was 6 foot by the age of 10 and pushing 7 foot by the time he was 18. Never the less, Valerie discovered late what wad been obvious to everyone else, that the spindly legs of a horse would simply fold and crumple like pipe cleaners under his weight. Despite protest from master of the stables, he tried it anyway, and despite his bitter disappointment that his chosen career looked out of the question, to his delight and as a direct consequence, he soon discovered horses tasted almost as good as they looked. So Valerie became a cannon man and started to look at the whole animal kingdom as some kind of open air menu....

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